We are a member of the German-Croatian Industrial and Trade Chamber.
Jednim klikom spajamo kandidate s najvećim izborom slobodnih radnih mjesta u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.
We are a member of the German-Croatian Industrial and Trade Chamber.
Our mission is to find job for workers with correct working conditions, and enable employers fast and flexible employment.
Employment mediation and finding jobs for individuals and companies. Our goal is to be respected partner, recognizable for the quality of services and responsible behaviour.
Quality and flexible service oriented to results personalized for each client and people who are searching for the job. Education, experience and professionalism are our greatest strength.
Stranac – državljanin treće zemlje može u RH raditi temeljem dozvole za boravak i rad ili temelje potvrde o prijavi rada samo na onim poslovima za koje je izdana dozvola za rad ili prijava rada, kod poslodavca u RH s kojim je zasnovao radni odnos, a po odredbama Zakona o strancima (Nar. nov., br. 133/20)
Ukoliko vam nedostaje radne snage u RH na tržištu, a temeljem obavijesti o rezultatu testa tržišta rada i mišljenja HZZ-a, poslodavac može zatražiti dozvolu za boravak i rad od policijske postaje.
Moguće je dobiti radnike različitih kvalifikacija – hotelsko i ugostiteljsko osoblje, uslužne djelatnosti, trgovina, građevinski radnicI, sezonski ili stalni . Sve ovisi o Vašim potrebama
Kontaktirajte nas i zatražite ponudu po vašim potrebama i sve ostalo prepustite nama .
Nudimo Vam usluge:
-Pronalazak radne snage (sezonski ili stalni kandidati)
-Postupak ishođenja Dozvole za boravak i rad
-Postupak ishođenja vize za ulazak u Republiku Hrvatsku
-Organizacija putovanja radnika
-Rješavanje administrativnih postupaka nakon dolaska radnika
Coopeartion with future employers in the process of selection and choice of candidates which meet the requirements of any company.
We are finding suitable workers for your company.
We are preparing the adequate documentation regarding worker’s qualifications, language knowledge and translation of documents.
We are sending workers to the trial period, as soon as possible.
We guarantee that the worker passed several phases of selection.If necessary, we are testing workers for stated qualifications.
We advice and direct workers from application to the job contest to the beginning of work in desired company.
We collect and reviewing the required documents.
We test the knowledge of language.
We advice about documents and translation of documents.
We organize positioning to the desired work place and beginning of work at the future employer.
If candidate applied to one of the opened vacancies, and satisfies the requirements, we are offering gratis review of CVs and advice about collecting the right documents.
If candidate doesn’t meet the requirements of conditions stated in opened vacancies, we keep their contact info in put database and contact them whenever we have new vacancy suitable their qualifications.
If candidates have the need, they can order from us to write and translate CVs and other documents that can be verified by a court interpreter.